A group of military veterans joined Black Lives Matter protesters in Portland as part of an effort to protect them from Department of Homeland Security (DHS) forces on Friday night.
Masked and goggled. Some wearing black hoodies emblazoned with “Black Lives Matter.” Some with attire designating their service branch. Many with their hands held tight behind their backs. Others with signs expressing opposition to recent attacks on demonstrators.
“I am an American patriot,” one such placard read. “Federal troops defend property, but this does give them the right to take away my constitutional freedom.”
The self-described “Wall of Vets” adds a new element to the weeks-long confrontation between racial justice advocates on one side and federal and local law enforcement on the other. Previously, walls of mothers–some pregnant–and fathers have arrived to offer a similar protective barrier and have been tear-gassed in response.
One video shows the wall of veterans holding the American flag upside down–an expression of national alarm.
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