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Dưới áp lực bủa vây v́ điều tra luận tội, Tổng thống Trump bứt phá, "tố ngược" đảng Dân chủ can thiệp vào cuộc bầu cử năm 2016 và 2020.

(Ảnh chụp màn h́nh).

"Đảng Dân chủ không chỉ đang can thiệp vào cuộc bầu cử năm 2020, mà họ c̣n tiếp tục can thiệp vào cuộc bầu cử năm 2016. Họ nên dừng lại" - ông Trump viết trên Twitter hôm 5/10.

Tuyên bố của ông Trump được đưa ra sau khi Chủ tịch Ủy ban Giám sát Elijah Cummings, Chủ tịch Ủy ban T́nh báo Adam Schiff và Chủ tịch Ủy ban Đối ngoại Eliot Engel gửi trát hầu ṭa cho Chánh văn pḥng Nhà Trắng Mick Mulvaney, yêu cầu ṭa bạch ốc cung cấp tài liệu liên quan đến cuộc điều tra luận tội ông Trump.

"Chúng tôi lấy làm tiếc rằng Tổng thống Trump đă đặt chúng tôi và quốc gia vào hoàn cảnh này. Tuy nhiên, hành động của ông Trump đă buộc chúng tôi đưa ra trát đ̣i hầu ṭa này, không c̣n lựa chọn nào khác”, chủ tịch các ủy ban viết trong thư gửi Chánh văn pḥng Nhà Trắng Mick Mulvaney.

Ngày 24/9, Chủ tịch Hạ viện Nancy Pelosi tuyên bố mở cuộc điều tra luận tội chống lại ông Trump liên quan đến vụ bê bối về cuộc điện đàm giữa Tổng thống Trump và người đồng cấp Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky ngày 25/7.

Các thủ tục luận tội Tổng thống Donald Trump được khởi xướng sau một khiếu nại của người tố giác, cho rằng ông Trump đă lạm dụng quyền hạn trong cuộc điện đàm với người đồng cấp Ukraine. Người khiếu nại tuyên bố, ông Trump đă "gây áp lực" với Tổng thống Zelensky để ông này điều tra về cựu Phó Tổng thống Joe Biden, người đang dẫn đầu danh sách đề cử ứng cử viên đảng Dân chủ trong cuộc chay đua vào Nhà Trắng năm 2020.

Ông Trump phủ nhận các cáo buộc, gọi đây là nỗ lực điều tra luận tội của đảng Dân chủ là "cuộc đảo chính" nhằm đảo ngược kết quả của cuộc bầu cử tổng thống Mỹ năm 2016.

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Posted on October 7, 2019 Hoa TruongPosted in Published Articles

The subpoena is a high level of the US legal system, it is higher than

a court order, so the agencies authorized to issue the subpoena is

Congress or Senate, either the high court, supreme court, and Special

Counsel. Unfortunately, the illiterate lawmakers of the Democratic

Party transformed the subpoena to the invoices of business including a

supermarket’s docket. The illiteracy of Democrats humiliates the

Congress, Constitution, and the US legal system including the law

school and the legal services line. On the other hand, the Democratic

Party destroyed the most respectable place in the United States of


After the potential loss of election in 2016, Democrats have acted

crazily as a mad dog bites and barking in hollow space. Nevertheless,

the Democratic Party has deserved the most time to remove President

Donald Trump from the office, they have served nothing the country,

instead of the legal terror abuses commander in chief and attacking

the national interest. The US taxpayers wasted money to pay for the

treason and the wrongdoers in Congress and Senate. The Democratic

politicians have acted as the domestic thug, the most dangerous enemy

in the country.

The impeachment has promoted as the most major policy of Democrats,

the cunning tactic is the only solution to retake the government

without an election. Moreover, the lawmaker terrorist and commander in

thug Nancy Pelosi focuses to remove President Donald Trump and Vice

President Mike Pence and she will be the first President without

election as Constitution. The deep conspiracy is just a dream,

therefore, the greedy power urges Nancy Pelosi and her Donkey’s Head

Party have plunged into the crazy impeachment’s campaign. The

impeachment’s quagmire is the death trap of Democrats, any new

impeachment’s conspiracy costs more damage. Nevertheless, the second

term of President Donald Trump will be possible to claim the landslide

victory and also the disaster of Democrats in Congress facing the

losses both Senate and Congress plus the state’s government.

Unfortunately, the presidential impeachment turns nasty by the folly’s

action plus the illiterate lawmakers like Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff

(the lying king in Congress), and the Democratic Committees. The

impeachment becomes the crazy campaign that causes Democrats falling

into the hopelessness of the futuristic elections. The panic exposes

on the uncontrolled attitude of Democratic Congress, they rush to

impeach President Donald Trump, therefore, every new plan that worsens

the situation.

Recently, Ukraine’s incident hits back Democrats, the presidential

impeachment turns wild, but Democrats received more damages, actually,

the most hopeful candidate Joe Biden ruined by the scandals, the US

people question about China communist provided $USD 1.5 billion for

Hunter Biden, it probes about China awarded the actual henchman Joe

Biden who held Vice President in 8 years. Certainly, China made a huge

profit from Joe Biden, he sold the US interest to China.

The corruption of Biden doesn’t stop after the impeachment’s

conspiracy failed when the new incidents released as Chairman of

Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff who sold the military hardware and

corruption in Ukraine. Now, the lawmaker terrorist and commander in

thug Nancy Pelosi links Ukraine’s corruption, actually, the laundering

money syndicate of Hunter Biden operating into multiple nations are

Ukraine-Latvia-Cyprus probe. Moreover, Nancy Pelosi and her son

involved an oil import from Ukraine. A turncoat Republican Mitt Romney

who co-operated the business with Hunter Biden, so Mitt Romney exposes

the treachery, he stands with Democrats to impeach President Donald

Trump. Ukraine’s cancerous spot spreads to the high profiles of

Democrats and the related persons.

Democrats face the peril after Ukraine’s incident failed the

impeachment as all kinds of insect struck by the pesticide that

conducts the physical reaction until the body fell into the motionless


It is incredible when the top lawmakers and lawmakers of Democrats are

the illiterate law. The rash subpoena issued to Donald Trump’s

attorney Rudy Giuliani, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are the garbage

orders. Therefore, Democrats conceal a hidden face’s whistleblower,

they have not issued a subpoena to the key witness called

whistleblower, the disgraced sitcom debunked, the people can know

Democrats are the center of a cheat with the bullshit representatives.

Nevertheless, Democrats just reveal the first and now the second

whistleblower hides the face, their lawyers represent and Democrats

use the hidden faces’ witnesses to make the inquiry. Before, Democrats

hired a former British Intelligence agent Christopher Steele to write

the fake dossiers about Russia meddled the US election in 2016, the

perpetrator was Hillary Clinton who paid $USD 168,000 and $USD 1.02

mullion for Perkins Coie Lawfirm. So Democrats can deploy the

whistleblowers to impeach President Donald Trump, it is the phony


As the legal routine’s processive stages must respect the rules.

Obviously, a case must phase to the Police or FBI to investigate.

After the conclusive investigation ended and handing over to the

prosecution’s body, then the court issue an order, the legal process

takes more time, initially, the trials before the court’s appearance.

Therefore, the impeachment probe doesn’t enough the members in

Congress, so Congressional speaker Nancy Pelosi demoted the

impeachment to an inquiry after the plan failed. Before the Special

Counsel of Robert Mueller was in charge of the inquiry, not Congress,

so the Democatic Congress is not Special Counsel. Moreover, the

impeachment investigation is the career of the FBI, not Congress.

Therefore, the chairs of the committee issued the subpoena to someone

while the inquiry has not completed yet. The illiterate law of

Democratic lawmakers create the world’s laughing, it overturns the

legal system and also conflicts the function of a lawmaker. The

illiterate law of lawmaker is like a medical doctor who doesn’t know

the pathology, virus. The US people review the ballot in the

futuristic elections. Now, the people recognized the useless

politicians and also the legal terrorists have attacked the national

interest and commander in chief from January 20, 2017./.

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