Trump inadvertently reveals how he cons his supporters into believing his outrageous lies
Bob Brigham
July 03, 2021
Ṭm lược: Việt Báo
Trọn đời Donald Trump là những lời nói dối.
Khi tranh cử 2016, Trump hứa vào Bạch Ốc sẽ đưa hồ sơ thuế, và bây giờ vẫn ém.
Trump hứa sẽ ép Mexico trả tiền xây tường, rồi Trump chuyển tiền từ Bộ Quốc Pḥng sang xây tường, buộc Biden kéo tiền này về lại.
Trump bịa đặt về gian lận bầu cử 2020, gây bạo loạn, làm nhiều người chết. Trump nói dối về liên hệ với Putin và xét bản ghi chú hội thoại với Putin ngay trước mặt người thông ngôn.
Bây giờ Trump vô ư thú nhận rằng nói dối như thế là nghệ thuật siêu đẳng của Trump.
Hôm Thứ Bảy 3/7/2021, trong bài diễn văn vận động ở Florida, Trump vô ư giải thích về cách Trump nói dối:
"Có một chữ: bóp méo thông tin. Nếu bạn nói hoài và cứ nói măi -- hăy cứ nói hoài [bóp méo thông tin] đi -- th́ người ta sẽ bắt đầu tin bạn." (nguyên văn: "There's a word: disinformation. If you say it enough and keep saying it — just keep saying it — and they'll start to believe you," Trump explained.)
Donald Trump's career has been defined by outrageous lies.
His first major lie was that he was a successful businessman, a role that he played on a reality-tv show.
He then moved into politics by pushing birtherism, the racist lie that President Barack Obama was serving illegitimately based on the smear that he wasn't born in America.
His next delusional lie was that Mexico would pay to build his border wall.
He went on to lie about the media, calling every negative story "fake news." And he lied about his ties to Russia, calling his first impeachment a "hoax."
And his response to the COVID-19 was essentially an endless series of lies about the pandemic.
Most infamous was his "Big Lie" about the 2020 election that incited the January 6th insurrection by his supporters seeking to overturn the election. And then he lied about his role in the insurrection during his second impeachment.
On Saturday, during a campaign speech in Florida, Trump inadvertently explained exactly how he was able to dupe so many of his supporters into believe his nonsense.
"There's a word: disinformation. If you say it enough and keep saying it — just keep saying it — and they'll start to believe you," Trump explained.