Trump declines to commit to a peaceful transition of power after election
Trong buổi hộp báo vào thứ Tư ở White House TT Trump đă bày tỏ ư định của ông ta là sẽ không bàn giao chức vụ TT dù thua.
Cựu PTT Biden được hỏi về lời tuyên bố trên của TT trump, ông ta trả lời:
“Dân Mỹ sẽ quyết định cuộc bầu cử nầy. Và Chính Phủ Mỹ có đầy đủ khả năng để tống khứ những tên xâm nhập bất hợp pháp ra khỏi Nhà Trắng”.
The American people will decide this election. And the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House.
f President Donald Trump loses this year’s election to Joe Biden, will he commit to a peaceful transition of power?
On Wednesday, he wouldn’t say.
When asked the question during a White House news briefing, Trump instead cast doubt on the reliability of election infrastructure.
“We’re going to have to see what happens,” the president responded to a reporter. “You know, I’ve been complaining about the ballots and the ballots are a disaster.”
Trump has repeatedly expressed doubt about the current election infrastructure, even though numerous studies have found voter fraud to be exceedingly rare in the U.S. The president has waged a campaign against the unprecedented number of mail-in ballots expected this year amid the coronavirus pandemic, alleging that vote-by-mail is less secure than other forms of voting. He pushed a baseless theory that foreign actors are plotting to send in fake ballots, though his own intelligence community has found no evidence of such a plot.
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